"Sale, Nigel" wrote:

> Anybody had any success playing Audio CDs on there TPad 600E ?

Yes, I have a 600E, and I can play audio CDs even without sound modules

> On the Tpad the cdrom appears on ide1 as /dev/hdc.

I have a link: /dev/cdrom -> /dev/hdc

> I can mount iso data cd's fine, but if i insert an audio CD and use any of
> several tools i've tried (such as cdtools) to try and play the cd i get all
> sorts of errors on hdc, such as seek errors, drive not ready etc.

I used the gtcd program from the gnome-media package, just this minute,
and had no problems.

Not sure what else to suggest, but at least now you know that it
*should* work. Sometimes that knowledge alone can be enough to motivate
one to find the actual problem.  :-)

cheers (and best of luck)

Chris Waters, Systems Engineer, Critical Path, Inc.

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