On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Tobias Bachmor wrote:
>Hi Patrick,
>> I ahve an Acer TravelMate 521, which contains a Lucent WinModem.
>> Allegedly the modem sits in the equivalent of the AMR slot.  I compiled
>> Richard Cross's ltmodem utility, which can detect PCI or ISA versions of
>> the utility, but how do I detect the modem in an AMR slot?  I know that
>> in some people's opion, WinModems aren't ideal, but this one is stuck
>> onto my MoBo.
>I do have a TravelMate with a Lucent WinModem myself. When I installed
>on my ACER almost a year ago, I too had problems with the
>Nevertheless the kernel-module 'ltmodem.o' provided by Lucent did (and
>work without problems. You should take a look at
>if you have not done so already.

I just recently looked at that.  There seemed to be only a driver for 2.2.12, 
it may work with 2.2.16+ if forced, but it certainly won't work with 2.4.0 
(which I use).

Is there any working open-source code for this?  If so I can port it to 2.4.0 
myself.  Otherwise is there any support for 2.4.0 coming from Lucent?

Russell Coker

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