On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 11:08:34AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, all.  I was wondering if anyone here has tried to install the Lucent 
> modem driver onto a toshiba satellite 2210/cdt.  (if you didn't know, lucent 
> recently released a linux driver for their lt winmodem chipset).
> I think that the install program was written for redhat or one of the other 
> "easy" distributions.  Whenever it tries to install, the script errors out on 
> the last line, which is trying to execute:
> echo "/sbin/insmod -f ltmodem' >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local
> the only problem is that my system has /etc/rc.0, rc.1, rc.2, rc.3, rc.4, and 
> rc.5.  there is no rc.local file in any of these locations, either.
> any suggestions on how this script should be modified for a debian system?  
> (or does it sound like my system is missing a thing or two?)

The simplest way to do it is to put 'ltmodem' in /etc/modules to get it
automatically loaded. But that won't do, because this driver is built for
kernel-version 2.2.12. Using a kernel > 2.2.14 will immediately crash your
notebook when pppd is started.

Joerg Braukhoff

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