Matt wrote: IBM ThinkPad 755C (WD90C24) Help! I've just installed the 'potato' distribution and the x-window system core components. The screen flickers randomly (more often when using the mouse) while in working within x. I didn't have this problem using the same settings with the 'slink' distribution. What is going on?
I had similar problems on my Thinkpad 570. Whenever the ambient temperature got too hot, the left edge of the screen would start to flicker. This was after I had been using it for months. On a regular monitor, if your XF86Config settings are off, you notice it right away. I would guess that the mapping to the pixels on an LCD are more "direct", so you can get away with having things be not quite perfect. I just fiddled with the XF86Config settings using xvidtune (I think I put the various numbers more toward the "center") and I haven't had any problems since. Walter Landry [EMAIL PROTECTED]