        Ben Sunshine-Hill found the problem.  My hardware clock was simply
off by 5 hours.  I should be 5 hours behind GMT, but my hardware clock was
reporting itself to be 10 hours behind GMT.  Not sure how that happened
("date" was reporting the correct timezone --CDT).  I reset the hardware
clock using hwclock, and now my hardware clock and system clock are
roughly equivalent to what an NTP server says.  As for APM suspend and
resume, Ben says I need a script in /etc/apm/ that runs "hwclock --systohc
--utc" in a script in suspend.d/, and "hwclock --hctosys --utc" in
resume.d/.  Don't know how to compose such a script though.  Any advice?


> When you resume it usually sync's with the hardware clock, but if your 
> hardware is on GMT/UTC you have to tell it so, otherwise it is treated as
> local time.
> * Heather * star@ many places...

Bryan K. Walton
Network Operations Center Analyst
5520 Research Park Drive  Madison, Wisconsin 53711

Berbee...putting the E in business

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