Hi, this is a tweak to save power and reduce heat on pentium notebooks. It should work on all Pentium MMX sytems, but i testet it only an my Pentium MMX 200MHz notebook. The Pentium has a feature called Autostandby. Each time the processor gets a 'halt' instruction ( the kernel sends this during idle loops ), the processor goes into a special standby mode, shutting down the parts of the processor which are not needed. This saves a lot of power if you are not doing CPU intensive stuff, where your pentium is idle most of the time. Unfortunately this feature is turned of in most notebooks by the bios. It can be cotrolled via the MSR ( Machine Specific Register ). The following lines of code just set one bit in these MSRs to 0, and thats all what is necessary to enable this feature. There is one big drawback: It can not be done from user space. So you have to put this into the kernel and rebuild it. I put this into .../linux/arch/i386/kernel/setup.c at line 772, after the part, where the pentium-III serial number is disabled. I'm not sure if this is the correct place, but it works for me. This works only for pentium-I mmx type of processors. There might be some reason why this feature is disabled in most notebook. So be careful while using this tweak. I do not take any responsible if this destroys anything in your system.
{ unsigned long lo,hi; rdmsr(0x0E,lo,hi); lo &= ~0x40L; wrmsr(0x0E,lo,hi); printk(KERN_INFO "Additional Powersaving enabled.); } I sent this already to the powertweak guys and this will go into the powertweak program, which is definately a better way to do stuff like this. But its such a big improvement on my notebook ( it makes the difference between fan running and fan not running and gives me at least half an hour more battery life ), that i didn t want to hold it back. hang loose marcus -- public key: http://leute.server.de/hagan/gpg.txt fingerprint: 07D9 F89B 7762 1515 F85E 49BE 86FB 9197 01B5 401A
Description: PGP signature