Destinatarios: JUAN VICENTE/BANELCO/AR CC: debian-laptop <> Asunto: Re: Suspend and X >> Your suspend to disk, is it an "hibernate"? >No. >Hugo And how do you "suspend to disk", then? Some software?
- Re: Suspend and X Saisanthosh Balakrishnan
- Re: Suspend/X workaround: security i... Hugo van der Merwe
- Re: Suspend/X workaround: securi... Chris Waters
- Re: Suspend/X workaround: s... Heather
- Re: Suspend and X Lee Bradshaw
- Re: Suspend and X Mats Rynge
- Re: Suspend and X Alexander Clouter
- Re: Suspend and X jvicente
- Re: Suspend and X Hugo van der Merwe
- Re: Suspend and X Lee Bradshaw
- Re: Suspend and X jvicente
- Re: Suspend and X Hugo van der Merwe
- Re: Suspend and X Lee Bradshaw
- Software suspend (was: Re: Suspend and X... Carsten Lechte