
Just picked up a copy of the SAMS Installing GNU/Linux book with the copy of
Debian 2.1 on CDRom.

I've created partitions with Partition Magic, the root partition the second
primary partition after Win98, and then an extended partition conaining
further Windows data drives and Linux partitions incl swap part.

The problem comes when installing off CD, I get as far as mounting
partitions and the copy of the kernel starts with the rescue disk image,
which seems to go okay, but it then stops while trying to copy the driver
disk image with the message Floppy Error! The attempt to extract the Driver
Floppy failed. Then the only option is <continue> which takes me back to the
install menu.

I've tried creating the images to floppies and doing it that way but it
fails almost immediately after booting when it requests the rescue disk and
cannot mount the floppy (this I suspect is due to the machine having an
LS120 drive instead of a floppy)

The lap-top itself is PIII 650, 128mb ram, 18gb or so hard drive, dvd rom
(cd compatible), LS120

I'm computer literate (windows and IBM mainframes) but a GNU/Linux virgin.
Any help would be appreciated

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