...ok, so sometimes I let my email ripen a bit before sending it...

On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 12:26:37PM +1200, Bret Comstock Waldow wrote:
> Heather wrote:
> > ...or whichever.  That is, if you insist on using the SVGA builtin instead
> > of XF86_S3 or _S3V as applicable.
> Hi,
> I have a S3 Virge/MX chipset in my system, 

Is this a laptop or desktop?  I'm confused.

> so I happened to read through
> the XFree site about that recently.  In the section on the 3.3.6 server,
> on page: http://www.XFree.org/3.3.6/S3V1.html#1
> they say this:
> "1. Supported hardware
> Since release 3.3.2 of XFree86, there are now two servers which support
> the ViRGE family of chips. The XF86_S3V server is a dedicated server
> which supports the S3 ViRGE (86C325), the ViRGE/DX (86C375), ViRGE/GX
> (86C385) and the ViRGE/VX (86C988) chips. Use of that server is no
> longer recommended. It is not actively being supported anymore.
> The above ViRGE chipsets are supported in the XF86_SVGA server, which
> includes a new ViRGE driver making use of the XAA acceleration
> architecture and also supports ViRGE/GX2 (86C357), ViRGE/MX (86C260),
> Trio3D (86C365), Trio3D/2X (86C362), Savage3D (86C391), Savage4
> (86C396/86C397) and Savage2000 chips as of 3.3.6."
> On that basis, it seems the XF86_SVGA server is the right one for the
> Savage chips, and it looks as though the XF86_S3V server is obsolete.

That's what the docs say.  YMMV.  My experience, with an S3 ViRGE/VX
chipset, was that the SVGA server was buggy -- I could fire of an X
session fine, but if I tried launching a second X session -- either
simultaneously or after closing the first, my system hung.  The fix was
to use the S3V X driver.  This is documented in a series of Usenet posts
I made at the time, starting here:


...despite the usual preference for not carrying on conversations with
yourself, I've had several posts over the years from folks who were very
happy to find this information.

One even mentioned that with two systems, and two ViRGE cards, same
spec, from the same manufacturer, one worked with SVGA, the other

Caveat emptor.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>         http:/www.netcom.com/~kmself
    What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
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