/ Peter Firmstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| > Has anybody successfully installed any sound on the tecra 8100?

Nope, but it's next on my list :-)

| > Here is my current problem:
| > 1) running anything but oss ; doesn't work;
| > 2) running oss with no x & apmd killed ; works great;

What drivers?

| I suspect your sound card is a Yahama opl3-sa3.  Have a look in your
| boot
| sequence or "$/bin/dmesg | more " to see what your kernel thinks the
| sound card

I've been trying to build sound support as a module, so I don't see
any messages (even when I try to load the modules), but on my 8100,
Win98 says there are two sound devices:

  Yamaha DS-XG Legacy Sound System
    (IRQ 5, DMA 01, I/O 220-22F, ...)


  Yamaha DS-XG PCI Audio CODEC
    (IRQ 11, I/O FF00-FF3F, ...)

| Failing that tell us more about your hardware, maybe send us the output
| of
| /bin/dmesg.

Any thoughts?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | 'I have done that,' says my memory. 'I
http://nwalsh.com/            | cannot have done that'--says my pride,
                              | and remains adamant. At last--memory
                              | yields.--Nietzsche

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