Firstly I'm CCing this message to the debian-laptop list because lots of smart people hang out there, and because I think that's where this discussion came from anyway (I don't recall discussing laptop hibernation in any other list). Even though you're using Red Hat these people will still be happy to help.
On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, you wrote: >Hi. In relation to your comments on notebook hibernation, I've >been unable to get hibernation working with a new Toshiba 1555CDS >notebook with Win98 and Redhat 6.2 dual-loaded, under Linux >that is. > >Hibernation works fine from Win98, but any attempt to trigger >hibernation in Linux (e.g., by closing the lid) causes the typical >alarm beep but no further actions. Standby mode works Ok from the >Linux shutdown command, however... but not hibernation. What is the output of "cat /proc/apm"? What is your kernel version? >I've also found no way to link the notebook power on/off switch >so that instead of killing the system cold under Linux it would >instead trigger a clean system shutdown (as it does under Win98)... I think that this is an APM BIOS function. If you have APM compiled and enabled (NB some Kernels behave differently in this regard - they need an "apm=on" command-line parameter or something similar). -- My current location - X marks the spot. X X X