I added an additional 64 MB to my Thinkpad 600, for a total of 128 MB
of memory.  When booting, all 128 MB is visible, but when I boot
Linux, only 64 MB is visible.  tpctl -ic includes the following
output.  Does anyone know how to fix this problems

laminaria:/home/kevin# tpctl -ic
info from cmos RAM:
   CMOS RAM has power?:                 Y
   CMOS RAM has lost power?:            N
   CMOS RAM has bad checksum?:          N
   CMOS RAM has bad equipment info?:    N
   CMOS RAM has bad mem size info?:     N
   CMOS RAM has bad time info?:         N
   hard disk failed initialization?:    N
   shutdown status:                     0x0
   display operating mode:              (code is reserved)
   coprocessor present?:                Y
   diskette drive type:                 4 == 1.44 MB
   number of diskette drives:           1
   diskette drive 0 present?:           Y
   hard disk drive 0 type:              0xf
   hard disk drive 1 type:              0x0 (not installed)
   hard disk drive 2 type:              0x0 (not installed)
   hard disk drive 3 type:              0x0 (not installed)
   conventional memory below 640KB:     640 KB
   expansion memory above 1MB:          65535 KB
   usable contiguous memory:            65535 KB

By the way, here is some information about the BIOS:

laminaria:/home/kevin# tpctl --info-bios
information about bios and system:
   system ID:                           45
   country code:                        1
   system BIOS revision:                1.41
   system management BIOS revision:     2.19
   SMAPI BIOS interface revision:       0.90
   video BIOS revision:                 1.28
   slave controller revision:           1.15 

Kevin Dalley

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