Werner Heuser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> AFAIK these features are currently unsupported:
> - jog dial, shouldn't be to difficult to make a driver I guess
>   it might be a PS/2 device and the data stream traceable with 'mev'
>   from the 'gpm' package
> - camera, which is probably an USB device, which doesn't mean
>   it will work out of the box, but there is a chance
> - the display dimming, which is probably a BIOS32 function
> - IrDA, there are reports about SIR working, what about FIR?
> - modem, I got reports about a working modem, at least for some models

There is IrDA support, and I have reports getting it working.

The modem in the z505 has very little chance of ever working.

> I don't know about
> - sound?

I have it working in the z505 using the nm256 OSS driver.

> - firewire?

People have this working as well.  

> - memory stick

It just looks like an IDE hard drive.

Craig Brozefsky                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Free Scheme/Lisp Software  http://www.red-bean.com/~craig
"Hiding like thieves in the night from life, illusions of 
oasis making you look twice.   -- Mos Def and Talib Kweli

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