On Apr 05, Seth Golub wrote:
> On a related note, does anyone know how I could use an extra IDE drive
> with my laptop?  I know I could get a SCSI PCMCIA card, an enclosure,
> and a drive, but big SCSI drives (~25GB) are expensive.  Is there a
> way to hook up to an IDE drive outside the case?  I'd rather not get
> an entire desktop machine just to use it as a fileserver.

I know there are such things as PCMCIA IDE adapters (or at least the
specs for them, since CompactFlash cards act like PCMCIA IDE devices
when you put them in the $10 CF-PCMCIA adapter).  I don't know how
well they work, though.  I'd imagine a lot of the "external
CD-ROM/DVD" devices for laptops are IDE-based, though.

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