I have an IBM Thinkpad 310ED with CLOS as the only OS installed. I've
reconfigured my kernel to get apm installed. Now the only problem is
that I can't get it to go into standby mode. I type in apm -s, and it
looks like it's going to standby, but then kicks back on.

Next thing I did was <alt> F2 and got into a console. Ran the same
command, did the same thing.

Is there a command in KDE that I've missed, or do I have to get out of X
to make it work?


Rev Andrew R. Etzler            Office: (573) 682-3941
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church   Home: (573) 682-3702
120 W Gano Chance Road          Pager: (800) 283-1780
Centralia MO 65240              email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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