> (Sortof on-list-topic) > > Last October, I had the misfortune to spill my coca-cola ... > ... eventually shorted out the left-most keys on the board. > > I was wondering if there was any way to remap the keys affected by the > cola-spill to working, but unused keys on the right-hand side. I am able > to remap the keys in X, but I have no clue where to begin working to > alleviate the console situation.
What you're looking for is keymaps. I learned about it when reading about /etc/inittab and trying to figure out how to awaken using that "kbrequest" feature. Anyways I suppose you can do something weird like turn one of the still working middle keys into a shifter, and use it to shift all the keys by 5 or 6 positions. I hope your spacebar still works. Your keymap file is going to end up a lot longer than normal :) > BTW, if anybody has a connection to buy replacement Toshiba keyboards, > let me know. I would be very grateful. Sorry, I dunno. I always wished that some enterprising manufacturer would make it easy to change a laptop keyboard (like, so we can get layouts we like, instead of having to decide: we like the video and the sound support, nope the keyboard sucks, let's try another one. * Heather