Drew Parsons decía:
> So, I did the proper thing and wrote my own utility.

So did I. If anyone is interested, here it is. It's two sh scrpits, that I
place under /usr/local/bin/:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 'calcula-size', ireleased under GNU GPL lisence
# Author: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Package list can be created with:
# ^Dpkg -l \"*\" |grep ^ii | cut -f 3 --delimiter=" "  > package;
# But we'll just read DPKG_AVAILABLE ti see which packages are available
# and their size, so


while (<DPKG>)
#       print ;
        if ( /^Package:(.*)$/ )
        { $pack_name=$1;      }
        if ( /^Installed-Size:(.*)$/ )
        { $pack_size=$1;

foreach $pack_name (keys %packs)
{   print "$packs{$pack_name}\t$pack_name\n";}
    close DPKG;
# You can sort the list up with:
#  sort -nr -k 1 |less;
exit 0;


echo "#######################" > tmp_quetengo
echo "Installed deb packages " >> tmp_quetengo
echo "#######################" >> tmp_quetengo
echo "" >> tmp_quetengo
echo "My hard drive is this full:" >> tmp_quetengo
df -h /dev/hdc1 >> tmp_quetengo
echo "" >> tmp_quetengo
echo "Kbytes   Package" >> tmp_quetengo
echo "------   -------" >> tmp_quetengo
calcula-size | sort -nr -k 1 >> tmp_quetengo
less tmp_quetengo
rm tmp_quetengo

I also made some changes so that packages were listed in alphabetical order,
given certain option, but I am not on that machine at this moment (sorry).
Hope it helps. 
BTW, does anyone know about a scripts repository so that I can improve mine? 
Kind regards
 The most secure computer is the one that's turned off, unplugged, encased in
      concrete and sunk in the atlantic. It's useabilty does suck, though.
 Barbwired  (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
                 Web personal  http://www.bigfoot.com/~barbwired/            
      Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.12) on a Dell Laptop 

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