On Sun, Oct 24, 1999 at 09:30:49AM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> going back usually to 1 Jan 1990 although sometimes other dates. As long
> as I stay in Linux all is well; if I set the date correctly in DOS it
> also stays correct even after complete shutdown and reboot.
> If I set the date and time correctly in DOS and use loadlin to boot into
> Linux the date is correct although the time isn't.
> I suspect this may be something to do with the Toshiba BIOS because it
> doesn't happen with my 486 desktop. Or could it be APM?
> Anyone encountered anything similar?
> Anthony

I was having the same problem, on a Toshiba 490CDT, though it's gone
away now.  I think I had that same date too, "1 Jan 1990". I don't
even know what I did to fix it, really.  So I can't 
be much help ;-*   I found after setting the time from DOS a couple of
times, Linux eventually got the idea and kept time. 

If I remember right, the problem first appeared with me after Netscape
had crashed and I had to reboot the laptop using the reset
button. These days I use ntp to keep time off the net, though that's
really beside the point.

Sorry I can't be of real help.


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