Sean 'Shaleh' Perry schrieb:
> On 15-Sep-99 Werner Heuser wrote:
> > Sean 'Shaleh' Perry schrieb:
> >>
> >> Why framebuffer?
> > - usually for every new graphic card there has to be a Linux
> >   X server developed. Framebuffer is kind of 'generic' graphic card
> >   support, at least if the card manufacturers follow
> >   the VESA VBE standard.
> > - framebuffer devices could use the hardware better, they avoid the
> >   current video memory mapping 'concept' (I'm not a hardware wizard,
> >   please correct me, if I'm not clear here)
> >
> At the same time, I would like to keep the laptop kernel the same as Debian's.
> Just with the needed pieces.
This would be great. My opinions in the proposal are not meant as
a must, or something what have to be done from the very beginning. And
of coarse it has to be discussed like now. I will try to make 
this more clear in the next issue. Also I try to include the discussion
in this list.

Werner Heuser                       | There is no time,             /~~
LiLAC - Linux with Laptop Computers | ... to make war ...          /~~~
Berlin, Germany                     |   -Lou Reed-                /~~~~
T. +49 30 349 53 86   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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