On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 07:38:17AM +1200, Andrew McMillan wrote:

> Along with Enrico, I think that the thing with the most promise is
> probably Gnome Network Manager.  With it's D-BUS communication between a
> root daemon and a user monitoring and configuration doohickey in the
> toolbar it looks to be the right sort of architecture for the solution.
> If it could be hacked on to give it some way of making some of it's
> choices without user intervention then I could make whereami do the
> configuration changes that it does do through a daemon-based, D-BUS
> controllable interface also.  That would be good.

That might finally be a way of putting our efforts together: I could
hack guessnet to do some network scan when it sees a D-BUS request, and
whereami can be the reconfiguration backend.

Let's see when that comes to Debian.



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