* Ritesh Raj Sarraf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-05-14 02:25:32 +0530]:
>I don't agree. If there's something already ready why try doing kiddie
>stuff. If you still are tempted you can download the klaptopdaemon sources
>and patch it to your requirements. I find it feature comprehensive.

No offences but this is what I disagree about. I will call this "killing the 
In GNU/Linux world there are more than one ways to do a thing. If something
is already there it is not necessary that we have to try that out. I also
love to do things on my own, and they gave me a better understanding of
the inner workings of various things and ofcourse a better control. 

Ajitabh Pandey
ICQ - 150615062
Registered Linux User - 240748
GnuPG Key ID - 35CF8CC4
Key fingerprint = E1A8 657D BE0C 4747 52EC  10C4 1AC2 C124 35CF 8CC4

####[ GNU/Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]#######################

Sub : To display all storage disks                   LOST #554

sfdisk -s  [displays sizes of installed hard disks in blocks]
sfdisk -l  [displays all disks and partitions]

####[logsnaath (at) yahoo.com]################################

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