I tried to do that but nothing changed.. I mean when installing with 2.6 and once the hdd isn't detected, i go to the shell execute option of the installer, and modporbe ide-disk... I even loaded all modules related to SATA disks existing in /lib/modules/kernel/2.6.X/scsi/sata-xx  (from the cd). After that i returned to the installer and partition task didn't detect hdd... As I've said, i put the 2.4.x i386  one and then I made apt-get install kernel-image2.6.8...i686 but when booting on the last one I have Kernel Panic (I changed in the menu.list /dev/hdax to /dev/sdax and had the same problem)...

Le lundi 25 avril 2005 à 21:54 -0700, Jordan a écrit :
On Mon, 2005-04-25 at 18:34 +0200, khoueiry wrote:
  <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8">
hi Derek,<BR>
In fact, I installed via apt-get the kernel image 2.6.8 (for i686) but I have the Kernel Panic error for this image... I changed in the grub boot loader /dev/hdax to /dev/sdax&nbsp; but nothing happened. In fact, can I change from 2.4 with i386 to 2.6 with i686 or not ?&nbsp; The error code is 431 with message indicating that /dev/console can't be found&nbsp; ... I make MAKEDEV console but nothing changed<BR>
Le lundi 25 avril 2005 &#224; 10:26 -0300, Derek Broughton a &#233;crit :
<FONT COLOR="#000000">On Friday 22 April 2005 14:27, khoueiry wrote:</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">&gt; Hello everybody,</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">&gt;</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">&gt; Being a fun of Debian, I want to install the sarge release comming with</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">&gt; a Kernel 2.6.8... The problem is that by rebooting with expert26 or</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">&gt; linux26, when i get to the partitionning task, I get the error that no</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">&gt; hard drive is detected... I have an Dell Inspiron 6000 with ATA hard</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">&gt; drive.. I've seen that somebody before me faced the same problem and he</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">&gt; installed the 2.4 kernel instead.. In fact, I prefer to start with the</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">&gt; 2.6 but above all this I want to know, if their is a method to start</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">&gt; with 2.4 without installing the 2.4 before....</FONT>

<FONT COLOR="#000000">I can't say what exactly you need to do - I've only put ubuntu on this I6000, </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">which got everything right by default - but the hard drive is SATA and </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">recognized as a SCSI.  So the drive identifier is /dev/sda</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">--</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">derek</FONT>


In my experience with Debian installs on systems with IDE hdd's, I had to either re-compile my kernel to build in support for the IDE chipset, or call it in /etc/modules or I would get a kernel panic.

You can try putting "ide-disk" in your /etc/modules file and see if it detects properly.  I am unsure of what chipset that is running, but I have an Insp 5160 and I could pass you my .config file if you feel like you want to build a custom 2.6.x Kernel.

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