Hello together, I have also a problem with my synaptics-Driver. I have an Asus3500-D Notebook with a Synaptics Touchpad and an AthlonXP-M. On this machine I run sarge with kernel 2.6.10. The touchpad and every and feature works very fine accept for the synclient and syndaemon-applet. That means, I can use the tapping and scrolling-funcionallity but cannot switch the touchpad off, while I use the keyboard.
When I start the syndaemon it informs me about it status, writes on the console that the touchpad is disabled ( while Im writing ) or enabled ( after two seconds of stop writing ). But it does'nt matter if its dis- or enabled, the touchpad is allways enabled. If I touch the touchpad in the same moment I write on the keyboard the mouse is moved or whatever happends... If I call "synclient -h" I get this responce: [code] Hardware properties: No touchpad found Do you use a newer kernel than 2.4? Than browse the messages or boot.msg for the hardware info [/code] My xf86config-4 is: ( for the touchpad ) [code] Section "InputDevice" Driver "synaptics" Identifier "Touchpad" Option "CorePointer" Option "Edges" "1900 5400 1800 3900" Option "Finger" "35 40" #"25 30" Option "MaxTapTime" "100" Option "MaxTapMove" "220" Option "VertScrollDelta" "100" Option "MinSpeed" "0.02" Option "MaxSpeed" "0.20" Option "AccelFactor" "0.0008" Option "Device" "/dev/psaux" Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2" Option "Repeater" "/dev/ps2mouse" Option "SHMConfig" "on" EndSection [/code] Where ist the problem ? Thank you.... Gruss Christian -- Christian Stalp Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik (IMBEI) Obere Zahlbacher Straße 69 55131 Mainz Tel.: 06131/ 17-6852 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet: www.imbei.de -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]