On Sat, 2005-02-19 at 16:56 +0800, singer wrote:
> my laptop is IBM thinkpad R51 2887 9kc
> the graphic driver is 82855
> In debian, I use the driver "i810"
> I can't use the LCD and the extra AGP output at the same time. If I
> change the BIOS to BOOT from LCD, the extra AGP has no signal, if I
> change the BIOS to BOOT form the extra AGP, the LCD has no signal. 
> there is a key on my laptop to switch the two displays.

the i810switch (debian package) might solve your problem.


Hanspeter Kunz                  Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Ph.D. Student                   Department of Information Technology
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           University of Zurich
Tel: +41.(0)44.63-54306         Andreasstrasse 15, Office 2.12
http://ailab.ch/people/hkunz    CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland

There's no such thing as an original sin.
                -- Elvis Costello

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