I would like to thank you all for all the help you
provided me. I have, in the past, posted to this group
with the following subjects:

1) floppy/ftp install anybody?
3) Boot Failed with resc1440.bin
4) where are resc1440tecra.bin and drv1440tecra.bin?
5) HTTP installation...
6) XF86Config...

I was trying to install Linux on an ThinkPads 365E and
755CX with 8MB RAM using a PCMCIA network card. All
your suggestions, though every educational to me, did
not work on these machines. 

Frustrated, I finally upgraded these machines to
24MB/16MB RAM last weekend and everything worked like
a charm! I'm now a happy camper :). 

Apart from other things, the whole process has taught
1) Running X on a TP with a Pentium 75MHz/100MHz even
with 16MB/24MB is not really an efficient way of using
2) NFS installation is (up to 4 times) faster than
HTTP installation. I used the same machine on the LAN
(at home) as both NFS server and HTTP server.
3) KDE is better on low-powered, memory-starved
systems than GNOME.
4) It is better to use a working XF86Config file from
somebody else than configuring the server on your
own--moreso, when you do not know what kind of
hardware you have.
5) Newsgroups and mailing lists are much better than
any documentation out there on web sites (of various
Linux distributors).
6) Installing Linux with 8 MB RAM is not easy, if not
impossible, when you are installing on a computer
without a CD-ROM drive.

If your experiences have taught you similar lessons or
if your experiences contradict mine, please share them
with me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Again, I thank you all for your help.

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