On Sun, Nov 28, 1999 at 03:37:12PM -0500, Blair Kelly III wrote:

> Does anyone have experience attaching
> an external hard drive via a

Yes, I have an external SCSI enclosure with a 4.3GB hard drive and a
CDROM drive, and I have used it with a ThinkPad 560X and an Adaptec 1460
PCMCIA SCSI card. Works fine with Red Hat 5.2, haven't upgraded this
machine to Debian yet.  

> I have a Sony 505F notebook running Debian 2.1.
> I would like to backup a very large (1 G)
> file that took a large amount of
> computer time to generate.  (Minor question-
> Is a SCSI card attached to an external
> hard drive my best way to go?)

It's more expensive than doing it over the network -- assuming you
have another system that you can back it up to. A second hard drive for
a desktop machine, 2 Ethernet cards (one PCMCIA, one PCI), cables, and
a hub add up to less than a PCMCIA SCSI card, a hard drive, and an
external enclosure.  And if you already have the drive space and
networking hardware, the backup is basically free.

As far as speed goes, it shouldn't take very long to back up 1GB 
either way.  Consider rsync over the network if some but not all
of the file's contents change.  (rsync rules)

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