At 08:39 26/10/99 -0500, Bryan K. Walton wrote:
>       I have an IBM Thinkpad 390E in which I have installed Debian
>2.1.  I am struggling to configure X Windows.  This weekend I managed to
>get a screen and a GUI interface, but I can't get my resolution any better
>than (what appears to be something like) 320 X 240!!!  I have a 14.1 inch
>TFT screen capable of 1024 X 768 (XGA) at something like 60 Hz (at
>least when I am in Windows).  I have a NeoMagic 256AV video card in the
>machine that I believe has about 2.5 meg of memory.  
I have a 390 with the same chipset. I installed Debian 2.1.9 last week, and
i had no problem with configuring X: just run XF86Setup, with the SVGA
X-Server and Neomagic chipset are listed. I used the 'advanced ' options so
that i could specify the right amount of memory.
If you still hav problems i can send you my XF86Config file: i'm working in
800x600x16bpp, and i can go up to 24 bpp (my LCD doesn't support 1024x768)


Sebastien KALT

CIRAD FLHOR   -   Programme Agrumes et Diversification Fruitiere
Le Bouchu,  97130 VIEUX-HABITANTS

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