First time poster to debian-laptop, be kind, =). I am in a quick rush to get a laptop!!! Yeah!! Like TODAY or TOMMOROW. I will be of course installing Debian and will need use it to dual boot to Win9x, yuck.
The Satallite series look really good for the money but what about compatibility? It uses the Trident Cyber9525 video chip which is supported by Xfree86. The sound is the ESS1978S chip which I didn't see mentioned in the kernel docs, but it seems like the ESS chips are all pretty similar. The video is only 800x600 on board but can go to 1280x1024x256 external. Any advice is appreciated or suggestion to go with someting else. Thanks, Brian Servis -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mechanical Engineering | Never criticize anybody until you Purdue University | have walked a mile in their shoes, [EMAIL PROTECTED] | because by that time you will be a | mile away and have their shoes.