
I bought a 600m and it arrived yesterday. I installed Debian and
everything is working nice. However, I would like to configure the
Xfree86 to get a better 'rendering'. 

Currently I'm using the last ATI (propietary) drivers for my card. Its a
ATI Radeon 9000. ATI released a few days ago their drivers to XFree 4.3,
thats why Im testing them ;-).

However, when I run glxgears I dont get more than 800 fps. Any
trick/idea how to get more?. I have seen sites where users says they get
more than 1200 fps.

I installed the ATI drivers as follow:

1. I Downloaded them from the ATI website (for XFree 4.3)
2. As they are rpm's, I extract the rpm using fileroller.
3. Once I get all the files/directories of the rpm I went to
lib/modules/fglrx/build_mode and typed: sh make.sh
4. Then, I went to ../fglrx and installed the module: sh make_install.sh
(or something like that).
5. Then, I loaded with modconf. And it appears when I type lsmod.

BTW, I compiled AGP as a module and I it 'installed' (appears on

Any ideas or anybody that can mail me the XFconfig-4?. Its not a problem
to have 800 fps but.. I would like to have more for my games/movies.

Also, I get the same fps if I use the 'radeon' driver for my card.

Pablo Fischer Sandoval (pablo [arroba/at] pablo.com.mx)
Cel: (044-55) 2689-6351
Fingerprint:  5973 0F10 543F 54AE 1E41  EC81 0840 A10A 74A4 E5C0

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