On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 07:10:12PM +0200, Gustavo Halperin wrote:
| Hello
|  I have a toshiba portege r100. I'm thinking to buy some SD Card,
|  but I'm not sure if we have drivers in order to mount these
|  devices.
|  Do you know some thing about???

By SD do you mean "Secure Digital"?  I have a cheap SD card reader
that plugs into my USB bus.  It follows the "mass storage"
specification so it works without any special drivers.  The SD cards
I've seen (from my brother's Kodak camera) have a DOS partition table
with a single FAT filesystem, both of which are well supported by
linux.  I configured udev to give me a descriptive device name for the
reader, and an fstab entry to allow ordinary users to mount it.


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those who understand binary, and those who do not.
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