El lun, 03-01-2005 a las 14:21 -0800, Elizabeth Palomino escribiÃ:
> Greetings :)
> I'm running Debian Testing on my laptop. Everything seems to be working
> ok but I have two quick questions :)
> The screen resolution seems fixed. My laptop is a Toshiba M3X-S149. The
> video card is an intel 855 I believe. No matter what I set the
> resolution to in the XF86CONFIG it never goes above 1024x768. Now the
> weird thing is that when I plug it into an external monitor it actually
> will go to a higher resolution ( Weird eh) Its not so bad but the
> disparity between resolution causes my windows to all be sized wrong
> when I switch between being docked at work and using it when im out and
> about. Any ideas how to fix it?

 Google for 855resolution and 855patch (this one just in case you need
it for your laptop).

> And a quick ACPI question :)
> It doesnt go to sleep when I shut the lid. Im running the 2.6.10 kernel
> with the ACPI patches. It sees everything I think. I think I might be
> missing some sort of userspace configuration to tell it to shut off or
> go to sleep with the lid is closed?

 You have to set that up in /etc/acpi/actions, by creating an script
that will respond to the acpi event. I guess that also Google could give
you some examples.


Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo

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