El lun, 03-01-2005 a las 22:40 -0800, Rony escribiÃ:
> Hi,
> I'm a linux newbie, installed Sarge on my Toshiba laptop before. Thanks
> to this mailing list for helping me a lot that time. About a month ago,
> i miraculously mess up the kernel/lilo/whatever when using aptitude to
> auto upgrade the kernel.

 You should read carefully the messages the kernel package gives you
when upgrading. Anyway, if you mess your lilo/grub and need to recover
it, using something like Knoppix or Ubuntu LiveCD would give you access
to the system in your HD, allowing you to correct that.

> Now i'm making a clean install again, using the Debian installer r2. So
> far so good, but seems have problem with the sound. When i'm playing
> mp3 using XMMS, it would stop after playing few songs and popup a
> dialog to inform me to check if the sound is not blocked. I'm using
> OSS. Any idea what's wrong? And everytime i exit KMix, it displayed an
> err dialog box.
> Which one is more advance, ALSA or OSS (mm.. should be able to tell
> from the name:)? Remember i use ALSA for my prev installation. But now
> cannot. What must i do to use ALSA again? Which kernel module to use?
> What package must i install? I'm using kernel 2.6.8.

 ALSA is most advanced, and OSS is deprecated in new kernels. You should
install alsa-base, alsa-utils, alsa-oss (emulation layer for OSS in
ALSA) and libesd0-alsa (yes, though you are using arts for KDE, it
depends on libesd). Additionally you could also install udev and
hotplug, but that is another different beast. anyway, I recommend
installing at least discover.

 Using discover or hotplug you won't need to worry about which modules
are you using, giving that you have installed Debian kernel 2.6.8, not
one compiled in your own. If not, you will need to compile ALSA support
in the kernel, and choose the drivers you will need depending on your


Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo

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