Hello again!

I've bought another pcmcia card, named "FiberLine 10M Ethernet COMBO FL-4680" and - well - everything's working fine:
The card is recognized correctly, the modules are loaded and last not least I already connected to my private network.
Still, the Goldstar-Card is not working!

So, I want to list the different output of cardctl with these two cards:

Goldstar cardctl ident:
Socket 1:
product info: "PCMCIA", "Fast-Ethernet", "", ""
manfid: 0xffff, 0x1090
function: 6 (network)

Fiberline cardctl ident:
Socket 1:
product info: "Ethernet", "Adapter", "2.0"
manfid: 0x0149, 0xc1ab
function: 6 (network)


Goldstar cardctl status:
Socket 1:
5V 16-bit PC Card
function 0: [ready]

Fiberline cardctl status:
Socket 1:
5V 16-bit PC Card
function 0: [ready]


Goldstar cardctl config:
Socket 1:
Vcc 5.0V  Vpp1 5.0V  Vpp2 5.0V

Fiberline cardctl config:
Socket 1:
Vcc 5.0V  Vpp1 0.0V  Vpp2 0.0V
interface type is "memory and I/O"
irq3 [exclusive] [level]
function 0:
        config base 0x0fd0
        option 0x41 status 0x00 copy 0x00
        io 0x0300-0x031f [auto]


Where do the modules reside? They should exist under /lib/modules/[your_kernel_version]. If they can be loaded with a simple "modprobe pcnet_cs", they are correctly installed.

You still should check if there is ANY entry in your /etc/pcmcia/config that somehow corresponds to the output of "cardctl ident". If there is not, cardmgr is unable to identify the correct modules and bind them to the hardware.

By the way: is cardmgr running at all? :)

The new card proofs that everything is allright with cardmgr and the kernel-modules. But the second point above (/etc/pcmcia/config) sems to be a clue for my problem. There is no entry that fits to my card. Can I add something by myself? And - of course - what?


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