Hello Mark, 

Am 2005-01-01 11:51:16, schrieb Mark M:
> Hi, Apologies if this is OT.
> I have never bought a laptop before and was hoping for some
> recomendations.
> I am hoping for advice on the following:
> 1. What gotachas are there? eg. I have found out about a partition you
> should keep intact for hibernation mode. Is this OS independant? Or
> only for MSwindows? Is there anything else I really need to know (of
> course I will be installing debian on it).

Do not know, because I do not use it for security reason.

> 2. Reliability - I will be driving around for a total of 1hr per day
> with the laptop on my back on a motor cycle, and get a 3 year warranty.
> Are any particular brands better? Sony? Toshiba?

I have 7 IBM's ad will never change it...
The smallest is a TP760ED (233 MHz, 128 MB memory and 8 GB HDD), the
one R40 (1300MHz, 1 GB memory and 20 GB HDD) and since 4 days a T70

They are very robust...

> 3. Battery life: I am hoping to use the laptop for 2 things: 1. video
> editing/dvd burning from camera with firewire. 2. Using on longdistance
> flights (but not video editing). I guess for video/burning dvd's I want
> a fast processor eg the pentium M 3GHz. But for extended battery life I
> want a slower low power processor.

Forget 3 GHz laptops and long Battery life.  All labtops more then
1,6 GHz are only remplacments for Workstations and not realy for mobil
use. I have an runtime of around 4 Hours with my TP760ED, 3 Hours with
my R40 and 2 Hours with my T70.

> So my question is: can I improve battery life on say a 3GHz pentium M
> by slowing down the clockspeed in BIOS to say 1GHz or 500MHz?

The laptop do this its own. If you are on Batery, mostly you will have
between 800 and 1200Mhz.

> Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks, Mark.


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