On Tuesday 26 October 2004 17:33, Curt Howland wrote:
> Derek,
> I've been running Sid for years, happily, continually updating and
> sending in the odd bug report.
> I believe you have "experimental" confused with "unstable".
> Experimental is where packages are first sent, to be checked against
> all the builds and dependencies, and see if it plays nice at all.

Then they go to Sid.  Packages move from Sid to Testing.
> Sarge is only "testing" until declared stable. Then "testing" goes off
> into the stratosphere, gets a new label, and there is nothing to
> ensure that it will even be self-compatible, much less functional,
> for an unforseeable time.

It will _never_ be in a less self-compatible or functional state than Sid.

> --
> September 11th, 2001
> The proudest day for gun control and central
> planning advocates in American history

Enough with the nauseating political statements

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  • Re: pcmcia Derek Broughton

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