
am Freitag, 3. September 2004 13:57 schrieb Ognjen_Bezanov:
> Cheers! found it, ill also have a look at some other windowmanagers
> (fluxbox looks interesting)
> P.S once installed, will it start up by default or will i have to type
> something (e.g. startx wmaker)

If it will start up automatically depends on Your systems configurations. I 
guess no. ;)
Then do:
to start the WM.
I.e. for Fluxbox it should be:
startx /usr/bin/fluxbox

That will work, when Your display 0 is free. Otherwise (display 0 is occupied 
and display 1 ist free):
startx /usr/bin/fluxbox -- :1

If You like to, write a shell-script or define an alias. ;)

> i would want it not to load on startup but rather only when i type startx
> (or something like that)
> do i need additional configuration to do that?

Try it and see. ;)
It depends on Your runlevel configuration. ;)



Robin Haunschild

  .''`.     Ha Psi ist gleich Eh Psi
 : :'  :    -Niemals aufgeben, niemals kapitulieren- 
 `. `'`    *Linux* - apt-get into it

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