Hello folks,

I am currently thinking about buying a new `third generation` mobile
phone which offers bluetooth connectivity compatible to my Debian
GNU/Linux based Apple iBook (2001).

As Debian GNU/Linux and GNOME user I would like to know which mobile
phones are actually supported by the GNOME bluetooth project and the
Debian GNU/Linux (Unstable) distribution itself in order make the right
choice and buy a compatible piece of hardware.

As far as I always owned Nokia mobile phones (6210) and was always
satisfied with this brand I was considering to buy a Nokia [1]6230,
[2]6650 or [3]6610i model.

 1. http://www.nokia.it/nokia/0,0,48422,0,0.html
 2. http://www.nokia.it/nokia/0,0,37776,0,0.html
 3. http://www.nokia.it/nokia/0,0,56367,0,0.html

Of course I would also consider other mobile phones from other vendors
in case they work well with Debian GNU/Linux and GNOME (Bluetooth) in
order to sync and share files between my iBook/PC and the mobile phone
and work as `modem` (GPRS or UMTS) for mobile Internet connection.

I thank you in advantage for any feedback regarding the above topic.
Best regards,


              _.--..---"-,--c_    Ivo Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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