On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 08:02:13 -0600

> Dell i8500, Sarge with 2.4.25-1-386 kernel
> When I select Shut the computer down from the menu ,the laptops shuts everything
> down OK but does not turn the laptop off 100%. The final text says Power Down and
> I need to physically push the power button to turn the laptop off. 
> I found a simlar thread (below) which seems to indicate it's a ACPI issue. None
> of the ACPI stuff seems to work on my Debian setup, for example no battery low
> warning - the laptop just dies ona flat battery. Using Fedora Core 2 ACPI and the
> power management stuff runs OK but I prefer Debian.
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-laptop/2004/06/msg00175.html

Build an ACPI enabled kernel yourself. That should be the quickest way to deal with 
you problem. If the computer has ACPI that is. Otherwize it's APM you want.

Christian     .-.    Bjälevik
Jabber.org    /v\     nafallo
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