(i realized that there are too many series of laptops -- may be it is better to create a documentation package for each brand)
and one which is supposed to contain info for laptops in general
source packages are attached ... they are only a few Kb ...
obviously they are incomplete, I will add something in the next days
PLEASE do not su -c "dpkg -i " them! it will be useless and dangerous, do not populate your laptop with broken packages :)
inside doc-laptop I tried to create a script which is supposed to gather useful information and organize them inside an xml file, if we are able to obtain (more automatically possible, may be asking questions with debconf?) informations about used configuration and working devices we can create a template of a web page and then submit that to linux-on-laptop
i thought about xml since it could be easy emailed to an hipotetical package mainteiner and trasformed into a web page
Al Stone wrote:
> Hm. If no one else wants, to I'm foolish enough
> and interested enough to try to organize this effort.
may be that in the mean time organization will be enought if you (or some other) can obtain/provide a cvs/arch repository, so that interested people can begin putting information
> Just don't make me regret it :-)...
I will personally take any effort to fill-up you email and damage your website :)
> What I would also like to suggest is that we find
> some way to cooperate with tuxmobil and linux-on-laptops
> -- we use their info and we share with them what we
> gather. I think everyone would win if they get up-to-date
> info -- which means we get it, too -- and they end up
> with an easy way to redistribute their info and keep
> it up-to-date for their users.
what about creating an html report for each debian laptop user?
in exchange each doc-vendor package mainteiner will grab information from their site from time to time
I think there are enought interested people, I will post from time to time these two packages; i'm not able to set up a source repository (may be on september, when i will come back to university i will)
I will do a brief summary of interested people
Robert Goley wrote: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > I like the idea and would be willing to contribute. I have access to a > few laptops. I am relatively new to debian packaging though. I have > created some basic configuration packages. 1
Ralph Crongeyer wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I think that is a great! idea. Maybe two packages though laptop-common
> and laptopbrand-laptopseries.
> And "maybe" (just a thought) have say,
> laptop-common install a set of packages common to all laptops and
> laptopbrand-laptopseries install a set of packages specific for that
> brand and series as well as the other information you listed below.
> Then the user would have a basic setup for their laptop that worked
> and then
> he could read through the documentation to find out more information.
> Just my thoughts.
i'm a little dubious about that ... probably it is better to stick at simple documentation, for now
Werner Heuser wrote: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > For the laptop-common package you may take the > "Unofficial Debian Laptop Proposal" into account: > http://tuxmobil.org/debian_linux.html > It includes a suggestion of Debian packages suitable for > laptops. i will download the page soon 3
Al Stone wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > This is an excellent idea. I'm willing to help, too. 4
Charles Plessy wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Maybe you could prepare a sort of template, so that it would > be possible to contribute patches, without having to spend hours > thinking how to organise the informations ? 5?
Antonio Expósito Lorenzo wrote: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Good idea, but who will be its manager? i vote for the first who will provide a cvs repository :) 6?
Robin Haunschild wrote: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > I have a new Acer Aspire 1513LMi and would like to share my > experiences. ;) > When I have time, I write a report for l-o-l and tuxmobile. If Your idea > with the Debian-package will come, I would like to write a package for > the Acer AspireLMi. 7?
Emmanuel Halbwachs wrote: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > I like the idea. > > I unfortunately have no time to help the developpement but if I can > help by testing on my laptop or re-reading, I shurely will add > my 2 cents. 8?
Romana Branden wrote: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > oddly enough, halfway through my howto on acer aspire 1350 with sid, and > wireless cards/usb stuff. > (REALLY rough draft form, incomplete, but enough to get idea: > http://www.timelady.com/~romana/acer.html > bult a custom kernel for this boxen as a deb i'd be happy to contribute > too:) > > i'd be happy to be involved further..... 9
-- sorry for the others, I was tired of killing and yanking :) ---
Riccardo Vestrini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Io ho una deformazione professionale, sono Ingegnere, e il problema in quello che lei dice è l'essere umano, perché una macchina può sbagliare ma l'essere umano ha sicuramente molti più difetti" -- sconosciuto ad un congresso, mentre un manager parlava di risorse umane
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