On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 07:15:16PM +0200, Robin Haunschild imparted:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> sorry for my posting with the message-id 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. It was my first posting of this 
> list. I didn't realised soon enough that t is an english list. ;)
> So I will give a short translation of my request:
> I'd like to buy a Laptop with an Athlon64 prozessor.
> The hdd should have 40 GB or 60 GB even more.
> The TFT-display shoul have 15" or more. A WLAN-Chip would be great. 
> Otherwise I would buy some additional USB-WLAN-thing. ;)So I came to 
> the Acer Aspire-models 1501LMi, 1502LMi, 1511LMi and 1513LMi.
> Now my question: Does anyone have experiences with on of these models 
> under Linux (preferably Debian/Sarge)? I found some experience-article 
> for the 1502LMi. But it doesn't seem to be sold anymore.
> The 1513LMi would fit my needs best.
> The Acer Aspire 1356 LCi-M11 with Radeon 9700-Grafik-Chip is (according 
> to the german magazine c't) not good for Linux.
> If someone knows any other notebooks that fit my needs, thar would be 
> great, too.
> Greetings
> Robin


I have an Acer Apsire 1350, running Debian Sid.

It has an S3 UniChrome (ViaVT8378) video card, 15"TFT, 10/100 Ethernet,
Modem (which I think is working now with new linmodem drivers, must
test), Athlon 2600+, 40 gb hdd, DVD/CD-RW(which works a treat), and 
512mb ram. (It shipped with 256, but as the video card uses 64mb of
system ram, I am glad I bought another 256mb to put in....

A wonderful laptop, all working pretty well (a few issues with Alsa and
volume levels staying constant, but have to take some time to fix that,
has been low priority..). Compiled a custom 2.6.6 kernel, including 
drivers for a prism chipset based USB wireless
card. Mostly I use my senao PCMCIA though, because of its vastly
superior range (esp with wardriving).

this site is very useful:

HTH, feel free to ask any questions,

Romana Branden
ITShare SA Inc/ComputerbankSA 
ITShare SA gives away computer systems 
created from donated hardware and opensource software.

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