-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Am Montag, 5. Juli 2004 10:48 schrieb Jan Lühr: > Greetings, > > sadly I have some trouble with KLaptopd (Sarge: KDE 3.2.2-afaik - well > however why does dpkg -l kde say 3.1.2 and dpkg -l kmail & kcontrol say > 3.2.2 ?;) on my new Acer 291 LCI (tmate). > Somehow the battery is not recognised correctly with 2.6.7 ACPI (cat state > tells me it is discharging with a rate of 0). > Thus(?) KLaptopd have some trouble analysing the remaining capacity and > logs off the user directly after login. (Needless to say the I didn't set > any battary low, battery critical, etc) action in kcontrol. > What's going wrong here? > It's because of the lack in Acer's BIOS information. Has nothing to do with Klaptopd
- -- Mfg Christian Heim Auszubildender im Rechenzentrum der UniversitÃt Greifswald -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFA6U+l0PE+gcQmOyURArbWAJ9RLNuLgClc2gwifAT7R3IoElJG2ACaAx69 Z9rV1zvvoilKLIrVVbOO+vY= =o0vb -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----