--- Frank Trenkamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> have you tried disabing the framebuffer with the
> parameter:
> [kernel..] video=vga:off

I wish if my debian boot disk could take me to that
point. You see, after i turn on my laptop with the
debain boot floppy in the USB floppy drive there is a
read-activity on the floppy for a few seconds. And
then nothing happens. The laptop's screen goes blank
with a blinking cursor. [Note that Mandrake boot
floppy works very well.]

> Or maybe you should try to boot the 2.4.x kernel, 
> that IIRC is available by specifying
> bf24 
> as boot parameter.

i just used RAWWRITE to copy bf24.bin image to a blank
floppy. The result is same: nothing happens.

Now, my questions:

1. I suspect that the floppy boot images supplied with
Debian 3.0r2 do not support either USB floppy drive,
or PCMCIA CD drive. Is that correct?

2. How do I create a debain boot floppy that lets me
boot from USB floppy drive, and then uses the PCMCIA
CD drive.

Suggestions, tips, help are welcome.

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