On Sat, May 15, 2004 at 04:00:46PM +0200, Alexander Fortin wrote:
> Hi guys. I've just subscribed this ml I hope you can help me (and of                 
> course I help you one time!)                                                         
> I've a Dell Inspiron 5100. Well, had it :( yesterday my hd started                   
> having read-write problems, I think it's goin' to death.                             
> I realy need the laptop in this time (I'm doing my "Spamassassin" thesis             
> on it) so bought a firewire 5'1/4 box for use a HD of mine. For now I'm              
> using Knoppix 3.4 (wow! I'm doing the same things only a bit slower)                 
> but I hope can install Debian and boot from the firewire hd box.                     
> PS the bios let me boot form ie1394 (either from usb but i prefer                    
> firewire)
> Thank u a lot for any help!

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Tapio Lehtonen
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