Here is your copy of  my newest Multimedia E-book "Build My
First Web Site"

Yes, it is the same copy that paying customers download when
they buy from the sales page at Http://

This 25 chapter, multimedia ebook covers building your first
website from start to finish.  With over 3 hours of live screen
caputre instruction, it is quite unique.

It's called "Build My First Web Site", and it gives you instant
access to screen captures that are literally jam-packed with just
about everything you'd ever want to know about publishing your
very own web site.

You can check download a copy of the book here:


About now I can hear you asking, "what's the catch?"

Can you image going into a book store and not being able to open
the book up?  Wouldn't it be hard to make an informed decision as
to the value of the book if you couldn't even look inisde?

Well instead of trying to tick you into buying something "site
unseen" what I've done with this copy of "Build My First Website"
is let you have a good look at it before you make up your mind. 
Download a copy right now at and
open it up.  Take a look through and see if it interests you.

Better yet, watch and listen to the Introduction available in
the first chapter. After watching it, take a look throught the
rest of the book and each description for the following 24

Then Decide!  After you've had a chance to take a look through.


If you are already part of my memmbers only site at you don't have to
decide at all... Because you are a paying member you get all of
my new products fr^^ with your memebership.  (along with all of
my other courses and hosting for 2 domains)  Just use the same
username and password you use to log in to the memebers site and
the video will play for you.


When you decide to follow the simple step-by-step instructions
that are contained in "Build My First Web Site" you have a couple
of choices.

1.  Click on the "Buy Now" button on any of the pages in the
book or visit for details

2.  Join my "Members Only" Fr^^ for the next 7 Days.  You can
get all the details on this powerful offer at:

Take a good look at this amazing multimedia e-book. There's no
more frustration, guessing, confusion or trying to figure it out
all on your own with these videos. It's like I'm right there
showing you step-by-step exactly what steps to take to publish
your very own web site.

Over the last 5 years I've created hundreds of training Videos,
and "Build My First Web Site" is certainly an easy to use

See for yourself! 

Check this out:


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P.S. Get 400 web marketing videos free or 7 days at


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