
I do own a D600 myself and have the latest bios (A09) from Dell
installed, running kernel 2.6.5-rc2-mm1 right now.

Up to now I did not have any luck with hibernation nor suspend-to-ram
(BIOS-Mode S3). S3 mode does not seem to work correctly at all, return
from S3 is impossible.

When using swsusp I can get the laptop to hibernate - sometimes. But
waking up is really unstable. I have to unload several modules (tg3,
ndiswrapper to name the most prominent) but still get ide-errors when
waking up again. I have tried this with several kernels from the
2.6-series but all had more or less the same problems.

AFAIK these problems are due to the more or less buggy BIOS Dell uses on
their laptops. I would love to see S3 and S4 work but for now and the
near future there seems to be no solution - but please anybody is
welcome to prove me wrong ;)


 Tobias Bachmor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              http://www.bachmor.de
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