On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 01:12:12PM +0100, Nicolas Dely wrote:

> > The real middle button, however, remains dead. Using xev, I found that
> > pressing the middle button does not generate any event.
> >
> > So, how do I get the middle mouse button to generate "ms-window"
> > keypress / keyrelease events?
> Your mouse drivers must generate an event to change event. xkbset
> just allows you to simulate mouse events on keyboard  and not to generate
> an event from the mouse. It was interesting for me because i've no
> middle button and it's not easy to emulate 3buttons in clicking on 2
> buttons at the same time.

Ok -- this is different from my situation, I do have a middle mouse
button, i.e. it is physically present, but pressing it has no effect,
unless I use the cpad kernel module. This, however, is not ready for
the 2.6 kernel series (yet).

> You've install  2.6.X kernel? In my case I have a synaptics touchpad. I've
> just download latest driver and update XF86Config-4 with
> README or INSTALL instructions which correct kernel preemptibility,
> touchpad sensibility, right released and pressed event and
> merge usb mouse and ps2 mouse in one section. Have you tried something
> like that?

Incidentally, I also tried the synaptics driver, I found it while
searching for an alternative to the cpad module. (Unfortunately, there
seems to be little hope to get the middle mouse button to work that
way, because I find that the /dev/input/event1 device doesn't produce
any output whatsoever when I press the middle mouse button.)

I haven't been able to get the synaptics module to work, however, and I
wonder whether that driver is compatible with the touchpad in my Toshiba
Satellite S5100-603. This is what I put into my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file:

    Section "Module"
            Load    "synaptics"

    Section "InputDevice"
            Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
            Option          "CorePointer"
            Driver          "synaptics"
            Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/event1"
            Option          "Protocol"              "auto-dev"
            Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "true"

startx terminates with

    Fatal server error:
    failed to initialize core devices

Inspection of the /var/log/XFree86.0.log file reveals:

    (II) Synaptics touchpad driver version 0.12.5
    Configured Mouse no synaptics event device found (checked 5 nodes)
    (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event1"
    Query no Synaptics: 000000
    (EE) Configured Mouse no synaptics touchpad detected and no repeater device
    (EE) Configured Mouse Unable to query/initialize Synaptics hardware.
    (EE) PreInit failed for input device "Configured Mouse"

The evdev module is loaded (``modprobe evdev'' before ``startx''), and
I verified that /dev/input/event1 represents the touchpad by hexdumping
from that.

The touchpad on this laptop is an LC-display (see picture at
http://www.janerob.com/rob/ts5100/cPad/index.shtml). Perhaps, the
driver gets confused by some extended and / or proprietary interface
for fiddling with that LCD?

Greetinx, Jan
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