Hey James

On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 13:31, James wrote:
> Hello Jamie,
> I read your post to the debian-laptop list about trouble
> getting your Nvidia Geoforce FX5200 to work with X free.
> I'm using sarge/testing with a stock 2.4.22-1-386 kernel.
> It has XFree87 Version (Debian 4.2..1-12.1)
> and I'm pretty much having the same
> troubles you expressed in your email.
> I also followed the thread and read:
> Change nv into nvidia in the XConfig...
> Did that work? I read that you had to download  and compile
> patches  from Nvidia? Is that difficult without X running?
> Has this bug been fixed?
> Any information or suggestions are  most welcome.

Sorry for the late reply, real life caught up with me...

I tried that, and for you it'll probably work, but I was using a 2.6
kernel, which the nvidia modules don't support yet.

If you have an nvidia card and want to use it with a 2.6 kernel there
are two excellent resources which helped me:

NVIDIA Linux Driver Patches / Tonne of info on NVIDIA drivers -
Andrew's Debian-nVidia HOWTO -

Since you're using a 2.4.22 kernel you should be able to use XConfig and
use the nvidia drivers without any trouble, the only reason I needed to
download the patches was because I was using a 2.6 kernel.

I've cc'd the list so if anyone comes across the thread, they have some
pointers on how to proceed if they have the same problem I/you did.



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