Hello everybody,

I have a Dell Inspiron 7500 with BIOS revision A11, distribution is
Debian 3.0R1 with kernel 2.2.20 and 2.4.24 (both are the plain kernels
from kernel.org without any additional patches).

In the BIOS I have the touchpad set to "auto-disabled", which means: if
a mouse is detected in the PS/2 port, the touchpad is disabled,
otherwise enabled.

With kernel 2.2.20 the PS/2 mouse is detected (kernel: Detected PS/2
Mouse Port), and I can use the mouse with gpm and X (/dev/psaux). Under
/proc/interrupts 12 is listed with PS/2 mouse.

With kernel 2.4.24 the PS/2 mouse is not detected and I can't use the
mouse with gpm und X. In the kernel logs I find:
kernel: mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice

Under /proc/interrupts 12 is not listed, so that interrupt isn't
assigned and used.

And gpm gives the following message on startup:
/usr/sbin/gpm[261]: write_ps2: 1 0, fe
/usr/sbin/gpm[261]: PS/2 mouse failed init: Unable to set rate.
/usr/sbin/gpm[261]: oops() invoked from gpm.c(1019)
/usr/sbin/gpm[261]: mouse initialization failed: Inappropriate ioctl for

I have the suspicion, that kernel 2.4.24 allocates the (disabled)
touchpad to /dev/psaux, but where does it allocate the PS/2 mouse? I've
tried other devices (/dev/input/mice and /dev/input/mouse[0-3]) without
any success.

Curiously: when I enable the touchpad in the BIOS, the PS/2 mouse is
detected and usable. But I don't want this setup, because I often
accidentally touch the touchpad and get unwanted results.

So: why does kernel 2.2.20 detect my PS/2 mouse and kernel 2.4.24 does
not? Are there any options with kernel 2.4.24, which I have to enable or
to disable?

Has anybody any hints?

Dieter Rohlfing

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