Le 12444i�me jour apr�s Epoch, Niko Efthymiou �crivait: > I have noticed 3 stange zip atachments on this mailing list, all > recieved yesterday. I would suspect that it is some kind of virus > (havent scanned it). > > Since there have been quite a few virus epidemies recently (and maling > lists are a good place for spreding them), I would like to propose > following alternatives: > > 1. Dissallow atachments alltogether on debian lists (send them to > /dev/null)
And what about legal attachements, like logs, config files, etc. ? > 2. Allow only certein mime types in mutipart messages You're probably right, but who makes the choices? > 3. Scan the emails for virii and if positive discard them (will > probably eat up to many resources.) I think there is already a mechanism like amavis+clamav+spamassassin on the list. Check your headers to confirm. My headers are already modified by this piece of software on my side, so I can't check if the list do that already. -- All generalisations are dangerous, including this one. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]