On Tue, 6 Jan 2004, Micha Feigin wrote: > On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 01:36:48PM -0800, Mike Mestnik wrote: > > I have a dell8900 and I can't seam to get the drive to spin down on 2.6.0-test9. > > The drive makes > > a noticeable whine that can be heard across the room. I'd like the noise to go > > away, that is more > > important than saving battery power for me. > > > > I'm using noflushd but it has no effect, I also tried hdtune. > > > > Look at the -M option of hdparm: > -M get/set acoustic management (0-254, 128: quiet, 254: fast) (EXPERIMENTAL)
That'll do no good. -M just makes seeks slower. The OP is complaining about the constant whine of the HD spinning. I would agree with him - my I4000 is really quite disturbingly loud -- in a room full of computers. noflushd is the best solution, as long as you don't use journalling filesystems - although there is currently work in that area (seek google for "laptop-mode" kernel patches) Having said that, noflushd induces a bug in the kernel that is a killer for me - threads become zombied after 43 minutes, eventually filling the process table: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=2060865&forum_id=4904 (gee, that mailing list has a lot of spam) -- TimC -- http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/staff/tconnors/ The Klein-Gordon equation was derived by Schroedinger. Hence its name. -- Peter Robinson, Rel. Quant. Mech Lecturer. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]